BC Lawyers was created to provide a highly selective, human edited directory of the British Columbia’s best law firms, arranging them in such a manner that its users can find what they are looking for quickly and easily, without the spam that is so prevalent elsewhere.

While many of the websites that are included in the directory are added by directory staff, site owners may also pay to have their website reviewed for inclusion in the directory, with options for permanent or annual placement. The fees paid are for the time and effort required by directory staff to do an evaluation of the suggested site, and to make any changes that might be necessary in suggested titles, descriptions or category placement, so fees are not refundable, and only sites that meet the standards of the directory are included in its listings.

Our visitors come to BCLawyers.ca looking for useful resources, often because they are dissatisfied with increasingly irrelevant search engine results. For this reason, we maintain a balance of quantity and quality, offering high quality websites covering a large variety of topics. We don’t just sit around waiting for someone to submit sites to our directory; rather, we go out looking for useful websites, ones that are of use to our users and that add value to our directory.


Does your law practice deserve more online visibility?

Would you like to drive more prospective clients to your website.

If so, we would love to include it in our listings.

Join the British Columbia Lawyers Directory. Submit your site today.